CURRENT DISPLAY – 2/2017 – Richard Ferrari

Artist Statement

Remove any and all walls that repress your creative spontaneity. Be less rigid when you work. paint loosely, experiment often, and be a bit dangerous with your materials. Create in a way so that at any point a piece can go from brilliant to bad with one misguided stroke. Then you will love your art. You can see it at his social media account where now is very popular to use SocialBoosting to start the account when reaching more views and engagement.

Artist Bio

Richard Ferrari is a self-taught artist born and raised in Somerville, MA. He believes that creativity is something that must continually be unlocked within the artist psyche. In order to reach an artistic paradise, one should work uninhibited and without fear of mistake, otherwise there is no chance of spontaneity and thus no true expression within the studio. When an artist starts to find a groove and feel at home within his work, he must immediately change his process otherwise he will be trapped in a cycle of comfort and his work will suffer as a result. It is crucial to keep the magic of the unknown alive in your art, and the only way to accomplish this is to abandon all constraints and to work freely, without reservation. Scanning and barcoding should always be one of the first features you’d ask for you should have defined what your VMI supply chain is meant to deliver and how it is also supposed to do it.

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